Business partners in other industries


As our business partner, you can request a charging station installed in the business premises of ​​your automotive dealerships, service areas, spare parts outlets or car rental agencies. The installation not only enhances the travel experience for your customers but also generates additional income and broadens your customer base by increasing the recognition of your business among EV owners.

Shopping mall

Installing a charging station at your shopping mall can significantly enhance the appeal of your business to EV owners. Thus, as your visitors await the charging of their vehicles, they have the opportunity to engage in shopping at your mall, allowing you to make a profit from each charging session.

Fueling station

Installing a charging station at your business can significantly encourage EV owners to select your fueling station. Participation in the Eşarj network will enhance your profitability by increasing the recognition and visibility of your station, as well as improving your customer traffic.


Installing a charging station in the parking lot or commercial area of your chain market can significantly enhance the appeal of your business to EV owners, boost profitability as they will shop while their vehicles are on charge.


Installing a charging station in the parking lot of your hotel can significantly enhance the appeal of your business to EV owners. Participation in the Eşarj network will enhance the recognition of your hotel and elevate customer traffic, while also generating revenue through charging sessions, in addition to your services.

Resting area

As our business partner, installing a charging station in your resting area to enhance the appeal of your business to EV owners during their travels; thereby, participation in the Eşarj network will improve brand recognition and visibility as well as customer potential, while also generating revenue through each charging session.

Apartment Complex / Residence

By including an Eşarj charging station in your apartment complex or housing project, you can attract EV owners and while providing a comfortable charging experience to the residents, you can earn additional income from charging processes.

Workplace / Plaza

By installing Eşarj charging stations in workplaces and plazas, you can offer a comfortable charging experience to EV owners and earn additional income while increasing your visibility by joining the Eşarj network.

Parking lot

Installing a charging station in your parking area can enhance the appeal of your business to EV drivers, while also generating revenue through each charging session. Engaging with the Eşarj network will enhance recognition and visibility, as well as customer potential.

Restaurant / Café

Installing a charging station within your business premises offers your guests the convenience of charging their vehicles while they enjoy the services offered in your café or restaurant. Participation in the Eşarj network will enhance the appeal of your business to EV drivers, thereby improving brand recognition and profitability.

Organized industrial zone

Installing a charging station in the communal areas of organized industrial zones can provide business owners and guests with the opportunity to benefit from charging services. The installation not only offer convenience in travels but also generates additional income through charging sessions.

Educational institution

Installing a charging station in the commercial area of your educational institution can facilitate the travel experience of your parents, teachers, and guests while also generating revenue through charging services. Thus, as your guests and teachers conveniently charge their vehicles, you have the opportunity to enhance your corporate image through the utilization of renewable energy.

Healthcare institution

Installing a charging station in the commercial area of your healthcare institution can offer healthcare professionals, patients and visitors the convenience of charging their EVs. Participation in the Eşarj network will facilitate the travel experience of your visitors while enhancing the recognition of your institution.

Frequently Asked Questions

When you fill out the business partnership form on our website, you will be contacted after the evaluation.
It is of significantly important to be the owner or have the long-term right to occupancy at the location. Moreover, being surrounded by attraction points such as cafes, restaurants, shopping malls, stores, etc. will increase the use of the charging station.
The Eşarj Business Partner Portal is an application designed to allow our location providers and investors to conveniently access all essential information and reports related to their charging points or stations, independent of any individual or unit.
Yes, our technical team provides support before and after the installation and monitors the maintenance and operation processes.